Remove the Dependency of Mismatched and Inconsistency Data in Spreadsheets


Dependency on a shared Excel file that resulted in miscommunication and data inconsistency


Building a management system for tracking and managing their housing development legal documents, construction progress, and sales details


Removal of Excel file sharing dependency


Improves the data consistency


Accessible for all employee

Back to customer story

Surya Pratama Propertindo

Industry Sector

Real Estate

Company size

Small Enterprise


Jakarta, Indonesia

Key features used

Smart Facility Management

PT Surya Pratama Propertindo is a real estate and property company that was established in 2019. Its first project, Griya Pratama Mekarsari, has been successfully launched in 2020 and now it’s working on the second housing project in 80 hectares of land.


There’s a lot of things you can do in a spreadsheet, from keeping a database of everything to running an advanced formula to process your qualitative data. With the extensive features and advanced capability, spreadsheet sure can be a go-to program to cater day-to-day tasks in most offices. But again, when do you know if it’s not enough? When do you know when it’s time to upgrade your tools?


This is what our client, Surya Pratama Propertindo, faced. They have been using a lot of spreadsheet files to manage their data, and eventually they are causing the miscommunication and data inconsistency. Spreadsheets were no longer helpful in managing their tasks, but now it’s causing problems due to the more advanced capability they need that can’t be done in spreadsheets anymore.


No more manual tracking with spreadsheets, thousands of data in Surya Pratama Propertindo are now processed and centralized with the Smart Facility Management.


With the help of our expert in Selarastech, Surya Pratama Propertindo is now utilizing our Smart Facility Management to remove the dependency on the spreadsheet and centralized their property development data storage in a simplified dashboard. It’s now easily accessible real-time to all stakeholders and improves the data consistency.

Do you want to build a centralized database with the simplified UX? Contact our expert now and find a tailored solution for your needs.